Course Syllabus
Table of contents
- Advanced method and theory of machine learning:
- Advanced applications of machine learning:
- Advanced unsupervised and semi-supervised learning:
- Graph neural networks.
- Causal inference and causal discovery.
- Interpretability and explainability, safety and fairness.
- Adversarial machine learning, robustness of neural networks, open discussions.
Advanced method and theory of machine learning:
Review of logistic regression, MLP, CNN, decision tree, kernel machine, etc; ensemble learning (boosting, GBDT); learning theory (PAC Bayes, VC dimension, Rademacher complexity).
Advanced applications of machine learning:
Recommendation systems, etc.
Advanced unsupervised and semi-supervised learning:
Nonlinear dimensionality reduction and denoising; generative models (VAE, GAN, diffusion model); spectral clustering; semi-supervised learning.